Welcome to our Blogs

our intention is share raw and honest information that you can relate to with simple tools that you can do yourself.

Does overwhelm contribute to anxiety?

Does overwhelm contribute to anxiety?

Are you overwhelmed, anxious maybe both? And do they contribute to each other? When searching the dictionary definitions I found way too many, so for the purpose of today’s message I’m going to work...

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Are you living your best life?

Are you living your best life?

What does your best life look like? How do you know if you are living it right now? Wow! Here's two powerful questions that can really change your life if you take the time to reflect on them. Not...

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Anxiety Up… Depression Down

Anxiety Up… Depression Down

Wow!  There I was slowly losing it, bit by bit. I could feel my frustration turning in anger, I couldn’t speak properly, my temperature increased and driving was really difficult so I...

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The change tornado

The change tornado

Ever found yourself enjoying your life, everything is going well and then one morning you wake up only to find yourself amongst a tornado. I call it the tornado of change! It’s when everything...

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What is meant for you…

What is meant for you…

What if each person you meet has something to give or share with us? I guess you could refer to it as an “exchange of energy” It could just be a simple smile, a hello or it could be a life changing...

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Are you living Simply?

Are you living Simply?

Are you living simply What are you going for in 20201? Are you going for freedom? Is happiness something you want? Could you be wanting a new job? Do you need to become emotionally more stable? Is...

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Are you a sceptic?

Are you a sceptic?

I've never been one to enjoy smelly candles, as it's always been 'caramel' or 'orange mocha frappacino'... which didn't really appeal to me and didn't really make sense to me.I am now, however, a...

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