Does overwhelm contribute to anxiety?

Does overwhelm contribute to anxiety?

Are you overwhelmed, anxious maybe both? And do they contribute to each other?

When searching the dictionary definitions I found way too many, so for the purpose of today’s message I’m going to work with these.

“to feel sudden strong emotion”:

“An uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future”:

Now , thinking about both of those definitions, could you say that overwhelm comes before anxiety and can you see how it contributes/leads to anxiety?

What I can share with you is this.  Over the past 3 years my life was literally turned upside down and it felt like I was thrown facedown onto the ground, and all I could see was dirt . I felt so overwhelmed that anxiety came into my life and for a while it had a strong grip over me. There were days when my mind was racing, my emotions were up and down like a roller coaster and I couldn’t be in the present moment. I felt numb towards the things I normally love and I just couldn’t deal with the outside world, so my coping strategy was to minimise all interactions. I didn’t work, I rarely left the house and when I did, I felt overwhelmed and anxious.

I remember thinking, when will this end and at that time, I didn’t see any way out of it. To be honest, I didn’t even have the energy to start trying. I had this damn playlist on repeat and everyday took huge amounts of energy and effort to just get started.

I remember looking at my garden which is one of my major passions and thinking “there’s just too much to do”, I remember thinking “OMG I have too many dogs” and I even felt like “I was a burden to my friends”.  A big thought was “what am I even doing here on earth, I have no purpose”. These thoughts and feelings were heavy and exhausting and it was the worst repeat playlist I could listen to. Yet each day when I work up the playlist started all over again and the thoughts and feelings were heavy and exhausting.

Does any of this relate to you?

Are you starting to recognise your own automatic playlist ?

If yes, you most likely are experiencing overwhelm but may not be recognising it.

For me overwhelm definitely lead to anxiety and let me share with you how….

As mentioned, I would wake up and the playlist would start.  I would go outside to my gardens and the thought of “there’s to much to do” would start, and I would start to feel overwhelmed and after that, came the worry about “how can I maintain these in the future”. Bam! Right there is where the anxiety kicked in!.

Overwhelm for me was  “a strong emotion of there’s too much to do” and Anxiety was “how can I maintain these gardens in the future”. For me overwhelm is “how I’m feeling now” and the anxiety is “what might or is going to happen in the future”

So there I was, going out to the gardens which normally made me feel calm, in the moment and provided me with joy, to not even wanting to look at them.

Now here’s some good news…the best thing about overwhelm is that you can fix it relativity easy and when you understand how to do this, you don’t need to go into anxiety.

Here’s some simple steps that work for me and might work for you.

  1. Listen to all the things that overwhelm you, (I say listen because in most cases they are thoughts in your head).
  2. Get yourself some coloured post it notes (coloured is important) and a black Texta (also important) and write down 1 thought per post it note.  Examples: back garden, front garden, side garden.
  3. Put these on a bench, wall or anywhere you can see it. Once you’ve done that please go get a tea/coffee/smoothie/drink and go outside and enjoy that for at least 5-10 mins. Why? So your mind can have some space to let go of the overwhelming thoughts and create some space for the next step.
  4. If you think you can skip step 3, don’t, go and do it.
  5. If you have done step 3 now go back inside and for each post it note you wrote – put another underneath it and write down 1 action that needs to be done. Example: For Front Garden, I wrote “remove dead growth”.  For Back Garden I wrote “fix hoses”.
  6. Once you’ve done that take another break
  7. Now one you’ve done that, you can either start to take some action on some real easy things or you can just let it sit there until you ready to start.

How does this work?

Firstly when you listen to your playlist consciously (not just let it run on auto pilot) you can start to break it up into individual thoughts, which in turn, starts to break down the repetition and the link that each thought feeds into each other. By writing 1 thought onto 1 post it note, it also breaks down the overwhelm.

When you identify 1 simple action you can take, it allows your mind to change it’s focus from “there’s to much to do or its too hard” to  “there is something I can do” and this is so important because not only does it re-set the way you look at something, I found this prevented me from going into the anxiety feeling of “there’s too much to do”.

Now this method is very simple and very powerful and when you do it, all of the sudden you’ll start to experience a “want to do the things on your post it notes, it’s like your brain starts a new direction”.  It also takes the thoughts out of your head and puts them onto paper and this is super important because it frees up the mind and allows the universe to help you.

Example: I started creating a garden on the verge of my property because I had so many excess plants and it just had ugly energy and the council didn’t maintain it. So I wrote a list of things that I needed, mulch, trees, agapanthus, paint fence, trees,etc. The very next day I started on the road garden and to cut a long story short, I had neighbours giving me plants to put in the garden, I was given truckloads of mulch for freed, I found paint under the house I could use and everything I needed for the garden was provided (the universe helped).

Now, I also have lists for the house, the business and the fur family and I honestly can say “overwhelm doesn’t run my life and anxiety doesn’t really exist for me either:

Going to the psychologist and talking about it, didn’t help, it was just reinforcing the playlist. What helped me was getting the thoughts out of the playlist, onto post it notes so my mind and the universe could start to take action.

The other powerful thing about using this method is that at the end of a day or the week, when you start to pull your completed post it notes off, you get this sense of achievement and satisfaction which gives you positive energy and re-trains your brain because you can see what you’ve achieved.

The other thing that helped me tremendously is using the Anxiety Gone Pack. I found that when I used the Anxiety Gone scent, it started to help me release thoughts on so many levels that the more I used it, the more I started to feel lighter and more determined to achieve the actions on my post its.

I noticed that when using the New Beginnings scent, my mind started a new playlist and I started to get positive feelings towards the garden, my self and my life. Using this combination just amped up my results. I started with the Anxiety Scent first – Whilst using the melts/candle in the morning, I wrote out my overwhelming thoughts, wrote out the actions, had my tea and then once all my daily routines were completed (aprox 1-3hrs), I would then switch over to the New Beginnings Scent and start to do the actions.

When I couldn’t burn the candles or melts, I used the scent oil and placed them one my wrists so I could sniff one and then the other!

Now that I understand how overwhelm works (for me) and also know that the post it system works (for me) I feel a strong urge to share this with you.

With the help of my dad and the universe, 5 of my gardens are now looking immaculate and have gone to the next level. People who come here are commenting on them and the plants are happy and providing me with AHmazing energy.

Solaz Scents wise, I am organising and sorting things out that used to overwhelm me and I’m even putting in daily routines which I’ve never had before, plus I have a clear vision and am absolutely loving it

I am feeling authentic, going with flow, putting alot of post-its on my “completion pile” and I’m in the moment. Most of all I am so appreciate of the Anxiety and New Beginnings Scents, not only do they smell so lovely, they have just helped so much.

I hope this makes sense to you and most of all, I really hope you give this a go. Honestly I don’t miss “being overwhelmed” or “feeling anxious” and the best thing is that I’m very quick to identify when any type of overwhelm starts and the first thing I do is put on the Anxiety Gone Scent and then get out my post its.

I am grateful this process works for me and I trust and believe it will work for you too.

Note: Texta is important to use so you can read the post-its from a long distance and the different colours help your brain to separate them (if you use one colour your brain sees them as 1 big thing and that creates overwhelm.

Oh and if your interested in amping it up, I’ve put together a few Limited Edition Anxiety Gone packs so you can really set yourself up for success.. Hope this helps, regards Aje – Intuitive & Creator @solazscents

Shop Anxiety Gone Packs - Limited Edition

Are you living your best life?

Are you living your best life?

What does your best life look like?

How do you know if you are living it right now?

Wow! Here’s two powerful questions that can really change your life if you take the time to reflect on them. Not only do they deserve some reflection but most importantly, ask yourself this? Are you living your best life or are you constantly aspiring for more and perhaps missing some of the little things that are right in front of you?

How would you know? When’s the last time you reflected on this?

For the last few weeks, I’ve been hearing this question “are you living your best life?” so I wrote it up on the blog wall and have been waiting for the information to come through. Well, this week some conversations happened and I’ve just been woken up super early with information to share with you.

Last week, I remember a friend saying to me that her and her husband sat down and did a reflection and when they looked back on their goals from 9 years ago, it turns out they are now living the life they want…

They’re married, have 2 beautiful daughters and have even managed to purchase their own home which on paper seemed almost impossible to do. They live in a street where other people are growing their own gardens and home schooling their kids as well, so there is this awesome little community of like-minded people in their very own street. 

Another friend of mine was doing some work that she didn’t really enjoy or really want to do then last week, due to a mandatory requirement, turns out she no longer can do that job. At first, she was a little annoyed about it as she needed the income but at the same time, deep down she did feel relieved.  Turns out a new job has already manifested and she will be earning more money with less running around and doing more of what she really wants to do.

Another friend of mine has retired, moved down to the coast and set up the life she has been talking about for a couple of years. She mediates each morning, goes for a walk along the water and enjoys the sounds of the birds and nature.  She’s free to do what she wants, whenever she wants. 

So here I am, observing my friends starting to live their best life and it made me start to self-reflect as well and turns out I am very close to living my best life.  I get to make amazing scents, spend time with my dogs, do my gardening and am taking the time to rebuild myself after a very traumatic 2021. I’ve been using the Gratitude scent which has just been really lovely and gentle to help me in the process and have become very grateful for the most simplest of things that I used to take for granted.

Are you living your best life? Do you Self-Reflect?

What Is Self-Reflection? 

Simply put, self-reflection is taking the time to think about, meditate on, evaluate, and to think about your behaviours, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires. It’s the process of listening to your thoughts, feeling your emotions and understanding your motivations to determine the “Why?” behind them. I like to call it the “drive” that makes you want something.

Why is Self-Reflection important? 

Without self-reflection, we tend to go through life without thinking, moving from one thing to the next without making time to evaluate whether things are actually going well. We don’t pause to think, to analyse or determine what is going well and what isn’t working.  Without this, we tend to get stuck in rut and keep creating the same outcomes. You might feel like you’re on a merry go round!

For example, if you’re not doing self-reflection, you might stay in a job you don’t like or a relationship that isn’t going well. You might just keep on running and trying to keep up with things even if things aren’t going well. You can feel like you’re simply trying to keep your head above water, doing the same things over and over again even if they haven’t worked before.

The Benefits of Self-Reflection

It creates learning and understanding.  When you go through life without making time to think and reflect, you can miss learning opportunities and miss out on gaining deeper understandings from situations that happen. You just keep busying and move from one thing to the next. 

Self-reflection allows you to take a step back and gain perspective on what matters and what really doesn’t. It allows you to process events, situations and achieve clarity on them.  It allows you to think deeply and ponder the meaning of your circumstances, emotions, and motivations. It helps you move towards living a wholistic, and integrated best life.

Self-reflection allows you to take a step back and gain perspective on what matters and what can be ignored. It allows you to process events and achieve clarity on them. It allows you  to think deeply and ponder the meaning of your circumstances, emotions, and motivations. It enables you to stay on path towards what it is you really want.

3 easy steps to Self-Reflect… Welcome to my 3 G’S…

Goals, Going & Gratitude

Goals:  Every year I create a visual manifestation chart which I have on my bathroom wall because it’s the first thing I see in the morning and last thing at night.  This helps set my mind in the direction I want and if I wake up in the morning and feel a bit out of sorts, looking at my chart reminds me to reset my focus towards my goals.

So if you haven’t done that, make one. People always ask why I’m such a good creator and its because of that one discipline I do every year without fail. It has up to 10 things that I want and some are physical, mental, emotional, money and health orientated. How do create what you want, if you don’t know what you want?

Going:  This simple question is so beneficial. Ask yourself how your goals are going?  Look at your goal chart every morning and look at each item on it and ask yourself, how’s that goal going, am I on track, am I doing positive activity towards it?

Do you have any negative thoughts that you need to release – if you do, then take some positive action that day towards that goal. You can use the Letting Go Scent  which helps you release any negative thoughts.

Gratitude:  is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

I know some people do a really big process around gratitude but a few years ago, we started a gratitude group and all we did was use the Gratitude Scent in a candle, Scent oil, Diffuser or Melt and started to write down what we were thankful each day. We had these groovy little journals we kept by the bed and wrote 3 – 5 things we were grateful that day

The interesting thing was that the group started to receive their goals faster and their life started to flow with ease and grace.  It didn’t matter when people wrote a whole paragraph or a simple message that said” Today I am grateful for ……..”, it worked and the Gratitude Scent is still a best seller today.

To help you practice gratitude…

The Gratitude Scent  helps you to consciously practice gratitude and it’s one of our subtle scents and has some cedarwood, sandalwood and cinnamon in it which helps you to feel calm and be grounded too.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some tips and scents that really helped me in the hope they can help you too. Remember that you deserve to get what you want and Gratitude is a powerful secret that is here to help you.

Sending you love light and good vibes, AJe

Anxiety Up… Depression Down

Anxiety Up… Depression Down

Wow!  There I was slowly losing it, bit by bit. I could feel my frustration turning in anger, I couldn’t speak properly, my temperature increased and driving was really difficult so I pulled over and parked my care. I turned off the music and when I arrived at the Doctors, I didn’t even remember getting there.  I walked into the Doctors surgery, answered all the covid questions and everything bloody thing else they needed, only to find that my Dr was 15 mins late.  

They asked me to wait in the car, I said NO it was 39 degrees so I didn’t. About 15 mins later they told me I had to wait outside and that my doctor was going to be another 30 mins.  I felt the anger inside of me about to explode like a volcano and I remember looking around at the other people who were waiting and wondering why I wasn’t allowed to wait in the air-conditioning like them.  I burst into tears and at the same time felt like I would hit something, so I stormed outside and luckily a dear friend rang me and I vented.  I vented so hard I think she could have put the phone outside in the middle of a 6-lane highway and still heard me. 

She said “you know what”, I think you’re having an anxiety attack.  When she told me what was happening, everything made sense. It was in that moment; I was able to start to take control and breather. I remember that “Anxiety goes Up and Depression goes Down”.

My heart was racing, my mind wasn’t computing and I was super sensitive to any sound and noise.  Yep, I was a mess and I had no idea what was going on.  Mum died of Breast Cancer only 2 months ago and she was my best friend, used to live with me and help me with the business too.  Did it just hit me that’s she’s gone, I mean really gone? Or was it that last year was full of death and trauma for me. Was it a combination of everything or was it just the straw that broke the camel’s back?

By the time I got into actually see the Doctor, I burst into tears and she confirmed I was smack back in the middle of anxiety attack.  Thankfully my friend called just before I got to the Doctor’s otherwise, I probably couldn’t have even gone inside to see her.

I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced anxiety but my psychologist says Anxiety goes up and Depression goes down.  With Anxiety your heart rate increases, you get very sensitive, you can’t tolerate the smallest of things, you tend to overreact, your breathing gets faster and you don’t seem to have control over your emotions or feeling. I can now describe it as a Volcano of emotions which consist of fear, frustration, stress, disappointment and overwhelm all at once.  It can be really quick or in my case, looking back now, I think it started to build over a week because there were a lot of little triggers that were sneakily laying upon one another

Anxiety is what I call the secret thing, upon sharing my experience with close friends, I learnt that 3 of them have all had anxiety attacks and never told me.  I’m not sure why, but I do understand that there is a sense of shame and disappointment that goes with it and it’s not an easy thing to describe or talk about unless you know that the person, you’re sharing with has also experienced it.  Afterwards I was physically wiped out for about 3-4 days and because I was feeling absolutely exhausted, I then started heading towards depression.

Thankfully I rang my Grief & Loss Counsellor and didn’t allow myself to go down to depression but it’s only a days since its happened that I’ve finally been about to string enough words together to start writing this blog.

The main reason I’m sharing this with you is because I want you to know that: If you have anxiety attacks, you are not alone and here’s a list of things that helped me to stop it and then get come out the other side. I am back to good now so don’t worry about me, but I think this is a great opportunity to share some Tips that may help you.

Tips that may help you…

  1. Call someone and ask for help – they may recognise what’s going on and help you to calm down.
  2. Share your story with your friends and you might find out they have experienced anxiety too
  3. Set up a code sentence like “I need you” with your friends so if you call and they don’t answer, you can text and they know to call you
  4. Look at 5 things you can see and speak them out loud then,
  5. Touch 4 things and say them out loud then,
  6. Listen to 3 things I you can hear and say them out loud then,
  7. Smell 2 things and say them out loud
  8. Focus on your breathing and take some deep breathes
  9. Take some medication to calm you down (if you have some) (some people might be really hesitant about his, I certainly am, but just last time I took 1 tablet and it helped calm my nervous system) which really helped.
  10. Allow yourself time to really get settled again, it can take a few days and don’t get too down or start to allow yourself to head towards depression.
  11. Once you are starting to come good again, do some reflection and see if you can identify what the triggers were.
  12. Implement some small actions that will help with those triggers in future.
  13. Create 1 or 2 goals and steps towards these changes
  14. Commit to the changes and take action
  15. Trust the process of the tornado (see previous blog) and don’t become fearful
  16. Step outside yourself and watch the direction the tornado is guiding you to
  17. Use your scents to help shift the emotions.

After my anxiety attack ended

I used the steps above and figured out what the trigger was and have made some decisions around not returning back to the job that caused that.  I focused on re-balancing and really got stuck into the scents to help shift my emotions – I’ll write a list below of what really helped me.

I am now spending time gardening, swimming the dogs, listening to music and I’ve started writing again.  I have Let Go of a few security blankets, some grief, trauma and hurt and feel at peace.  I am now very clear how I want my life to look like and have been focusing on that.

Scents to help shift your emotions

To Let Go & Clear my negative emotions, I used the Mind Cleanse and Letting Go scents and because they worked so well for me, we’ve created some special Mind cleanse packs to help you shift emotions and feel better faster.

I found that the Letting Go just helped me to Let Go of baggage and negative energy, whilst the Mind Cleese helped me to release old thoughts and beliefs. I feel very grateful I had these scents available on my shelf because I was able to access them as soon as I got home.  I used them for about 4 days solid and alternative between them.

After this I then found myself turning to the Care & Comfort Scent, it’s a strong vanilla bean and it always makes me feel like I’m getting a great big hug. I burnt that for a solid week afterwards and had to make myself some more. I put the mosaic candle by the side of bed so that when I woke up in the morning, it was the first thing I would smell.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some tips and scents that really helped me in the hope they can help you too. Remember that anxiety isn’t something to feel shameful about and talking about it really helps.

Sending you love light and good vibes, AJe

The change tornado

The change tornado

Ever found yourself enjoying your life, everything is going well and then one morning you wake up only to find yourself amongst a tornado.

I call it the tornado of change!

It’s when everything around you is turned about face, thrown all over the place and everywhere you turn the wind is blowing out of control and constantly changing directions.

You are unable to guide or steer in any direction and you simply have to hang on and ride out the storm.

If you understand what I’m talking about, then keep reading, if not – file this away until the weather changes.

Just recently I found myself in the middle of a category 5 tornado.  My relationship with brother and his family ended, my mum past over from cancer, my dog Jeru died of cancer, my dog Skyla lost all her puppies, my other dog sharman also had cancer and required surgery.  I ended a very high paid job because I stood up for bullying and harassment and required a lawyer.   My body had almost collapsed and every day was a struggle. I also attempted to start a new job amongst all of that and it was a total disappointment and don’t even get me started on covid. It was a rough year for me and I have no doubt it was for most of you too.

During the tornado I did everything I possibly could to remain stable and balanced and if you have experienced a life tornado you will know this is extremely challenging and difficult to do.

So now that tornado is gone,  I’d like to offer some suggestions and knowledge to help you deal with the “change tornado” should one come your way?

Steps that help

  1. Recognise and then acknowledge you are in the middle of the “change tornado”.
  2. Do not resist or fight the tornado – allow it to exist and stay grounded (use the grounding scent)
  3. Use the power of your mind to stay as calm as possible. (calm & relax or balance scents are good for this)
  4. Start looking at your life, in particular the changes you need to make  (I used the clarity scent)
  5. Implement goals and steps towards these changes ( I used the creation scent for this)
  6. Commit to the changes and take action
  7. Trust the process of the tornado – don’t become fearful (the forward faith scent was super helpful for this)
  8. Step outside yourself and watch the direction the tornado is guiding you to
  9. Follow that direction and don’t hesitate to end, let go or complete with anything that is no longer for your higher self or highest purpose (the Letting Go scent is a must for this)
  10. Tell your higher self you want the process to be completed with ease and grace
  11. Be patient, trust, trust, trust

When the tornado ends

You will awake from an overwhelming emotional state (like feeling frozen in time) to feel quite calm, at peace and somewhat renewed.  The world will look different, you will feel different and the winds of change will be yours.

It will become very clear that the universe sent the “change tornado” to shake you up and move you, to where you should be. 

Know that your life will be extremely different from this point on.

My personal experience

The change tornado of 2021 has finished and now its time to start a fresh. I now have to time to discover who I am without all the things mentioned above. I have been gardening to get my balance. I’ve used every scent in the 5D collection and now I’m using the fresh start and yes scents for 2022.  (2022 limited edition packs)

I am spending time gardening, swimming the dogs, listening to music and I’ve started writing again.  I feel at peace and have become very clear on what I want my life to look like and really don’t care what others think or do.

So remember this

Everything is always perfect and life is simply amazing – you don’t need to control it, steer it or force anything.  Even if it scares the shit out of you, the calm of the tornado is in the eye of the storm.  So do your best to let the storm do its thing.

Allow the weather to be the flow of your life and trust the universal process.

What is meant for you…

What is meant for you…

What if each person you meet has something to give or share with us? I guess you could refer to it as an “exchange of energy”

It could just be a simple smile, a hello or it could be a life changing lesson. How do you know what each day will bring?

What if you approached life with an open mind and no expectations? Is that something you are aware of or think about doing?

The reason I’m asking these questions is because if you were to believe in fate or destiny, would being present (in the now) be one of the most beneficial practices to do in each and every moment?

Lets explore a bit more…

Whilst doing readings at a Body Mind Spirit Festival in Melbourne, what I noticed that weekend was that all the people who wanted readings and help, were all carrying a lot of pain, hurt, emotions and memories from the past.

Most of the people just wanted to feel ok within themselves, be at peace and get some of hope so they had something to look forward too.  There were very few people that were in a good place and happy with their lives.

Whats the cost of living in the past? Carrying baggage? 

1. if you are living in the past, you are not being open to the now or your future.  You are constantly training your thoughts and emotions to reflect backwards and attach to the past issue, event or memory which then comes into your current moment. You taint your current moment with the past and most of the time its not the positive we remember but the negative. P.S the letting go scent is super helpful to let go.

2. your suitcase will get way too heavy to carry. ha ha!

My experience

I like to live in the future; to me it’s exciting, unknown and full of opportunity. I like to know whats coming so I can prepare for it. The only problem with this is there are minimal surprises and I tend to get very board when the future becomes today.  I do my best to control it and what this has not allowed me to do is “be in the now”. There are times when I’ve not trusted destiny and tried to control it.

Hopefully this is reminder that it’s important to live in the now and know that – whatever is meant for you won’t go by you. (forward faith scent is sooo good for this)

Whilst in Melbourne there were so many events and moments that occurred, the Solaz team were constantly amazed.  We were given signs, signals and messages for 6 days straight. It was like all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle just start presenting themselves and finding their own place in the puzzle.

The puzzle completed itself and all we did was go with the journey. We did not control, look into the future or the past. We were in each moment and it was the most wonderful 6 days I’ve had for quite a long time.

I continue to learn each day that the NOW is all that exists. Whilst I may see into the future due to my intuitive skills I am currently in a situation and am allowing it to work out AZ it should B!

I am doing what I feel, saying what I want and being in the moment and allow the jigsaw to form itself. I am allowing my footsteps to walk the path as it is presented.  It’s a totally different feeling that what I’m used to and I’m enjoying it. It has magic, beauty and delight. There is a sense of sacredness that I’ve not felt before.

I feel an internal peace an inner knowing and a trust of self and the universe. I am not stressed or analysing I am simply going with the flow. Below are some tips;


The flow – when things aren’t flowing, take a few steps back – release your control and expectations, this will allow the natural universal rhythm to flow (our balance scent helps with this)

Control – release control as this interferes with the process and tends to slow it down

Trust – know that whatever is meant for you won’t go by you, even if it does the first time, remember – timing is everything

Jigsaw – look at it like a jigsaw puzzle all you need to do is put the border together and allow the pieces to find their way

Destiny – we all have a path to walk, so just walk it and experience all that you can.

The now – when you are in the now you should feel calm, happy and peaceful. Like an omni presence

Trust yourself, trust destiny and remember

What is meant for you won’t go by you