Limited Editions
Be quick as these are the best of the best!
2022 fresh start & Yes packs
To give you a headstart for 2022, we’ve create these Limited Edition Twin Packs which has 1 of each scent. All you need to do is choose the products you want them in. So start saying YES to yourself and get one of these and START FRESH in 2022!
“The fresh start we all need!”
Wow! Talk about a fresh start, this scent is refreshing and helps to attract positive energy to give you a fresh start. It blows away 2021 and brings in positive changes.
The blend is a truly gorgeous scent which is a bonus!
“It’s about time we start looking after ourselves”
Say goodbye to NO and bring in YES!
Use this scent to start allowing in abundance and to start teaching yourself to say Yes, even to the smallest of things. Simply use the scent and think of something you want, imagine yourself having it and say YES!